The Thirty Things List

Recently, one of our wonderful WordWranglers, Liz Flaherty, mentioned something about us coming into that thirty-days-of-being-grateful time, now that November is upon us.  So, I suggested that we should each write a list of thirty things we’re grateful for and everyone was in!   When I sat down to construct my list, I wanted to do it a little differently, though.  I didn’t want to write about the biggest most obvious things I’m very grateful for, which are my faith, family and friends, instead, I wanted to list some of the countless little and big things that make up my blessed life but are so often overlooked or taken for granted.  So, friends, here’s just the tip of the iceberg.

1).  A peaceful home. 

2).  Money to pay the bills.

3). Working from home, especially on icy or foggy mornings.

4).  A good education.

5).  A full refrigerator.

6). Chocolate.

7). Clean water to drink.

8).  Warm clothes to wear.

9).  Good neighbors.

10). A comfortable bed.

11).  My home office filled with favorite things.

12).  A great book.

13).  A happy childhood.

14).  The use of all of my senses.

15).  Birthday cards.

16).  Helpful and friendly over-worked, under-paid store employees.

17).  Our home gym (especially when we’re snowed in).

18).  Our generator.

19).  I’m grateful I enjoy my own company. 

20).  The changing seasons.

21).  Animals, (I’m really, really grateful for them, especially dogs, but not snakes.)

22).  Music.

23).  Toilet paper and paper towels.

24).  A dependable vehicle.

25).  Seeing traits of both parents in me.

26).  Medicines.

27).  My kind and supportive readers.

28).  The mountain view from our deck.

29).  Handwritten family recipes, especially from loved ones who have passed.

And, last but certainly not least, number 30: I’m very grateful that I’m a writer.


I’d love to hear what would make your own “Thirty Things” list, so please let me know.


Wishing each of you the happiest of Thanksgivings, filled with blessings both big and small.


There but for the Grace


Home is Where the Haunting Is